Now, Cinque Terre entry will require tickets

Logo squareFebruary 18 (TravelAndy): To visit Italy’s tourist hotspot Cinque Terre Park, tourists will now have to buy tickets, said reports.

Comprising five small fishing villages connected by narrow trails, Cinque Terra, located on the coast of Italy Riviera, is a world heritage site that draws a huge number of travellers across the globe.

Tourism in Cinque Terre park will be managed by an online ticketing system this summer. The number of tickets available each day will depend on weather situation and trail conditions, Vittorio Alessandro, president of Cinque Terre Park told La Repubblica.

Overcrowding in this region is causing potential harm to the environment. In order to curb the damage, this restriction in tourist footfall has been introduced.

“We will certainly be criticised for this, but for us it is a question of survival,” he added.

A special train enroute Cinque Terre will be operate every day for tourists who are able to successfully purchase tickets.

An app will also be designed to help tourists with information regarding weather and congestion updates inside the park.


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