Krakatau festival at Lampung from Aug 21

July 14 (TravelAndy): Lampung, a province in Sumatra, Indonesia, will host its annual Krakatau Lampung Festival from August 21 to 27.

The festival showcases the culture and tradition of the province of Lampung to the visitors.

The festival will have several events including an art market, tour of Mount Anak Krakatau and beach parties on the Tangkil and Mutun beaches.

“Other activities include snorkeling, swimming, flying kites, a food festival and competitions,” Budiharto, the Lampung Tourism Agency head told The Jakarta Post.

“The festival also aims to promote other tourist attractions in Lampung such as Pahawang Island, Kiluan Bay, Putri Malu waterfall and Way Kambas National Park,” he added.

A significant number of foreign and domestic tourists visit this festival every year.


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